Beneficiary: VšĮ Lauko darželis
National Agency: Education Exchanges Support Foundation (Švietimo mainų paramos fondas)
Programme: „Erasmus+“, KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practice, KA229 – School Exchange Partnerships
Project No. 2019-1-LT01-KA229-060745_1
Project Title: Children SAFETY in Outdoor Kindergartens for the better learning results
Partner countries: Germany, Slovenia, Lithuania
Start of the project: 2019-09-01
End of the project: 2021-08-31 (due to COVID pandemic the project was extended till 2022-08-31)
Outdoor kindergartens Children engage in outdoor play every day. The boundaries and rules of child safety in the field must be consistent with the freedom to develop and physical security complemented by emotional and spiritual. When children are given more opportunities to explore security is also growing. Boundaries and rules, daily or weekly rhythm, emotionally stable adult, space wrong and freedom to experience, learn, support ideas are some of the components of child safety outside. It is in the outdoors, in the natural environment, that they learn to face the challenges and overcome them, to choose, to develop and to grow up by taking responsibility for the risk.
Creating a safe environment for children must be a priority of every caregiver – a parent and an early childhood educator. A safe environment for a child is one that provides freedom from harm and offers a sense of security in which child can play, develop, and learn. As young children play and explore, minor injuries and accidents naturally occur. Since young children are at a stage where their physical, cognitive and emotional skills are still developing, injuries are bound to happen. These accidents can however be prevented. The first step towards providing for safety is to ensure that the preschool follows strict safety guidelines.
Project objective – improve the quality of preschool education with sharing the best children safety methods and outdoor learning practice in the different cultures’ preschool environment.
The project tasks:
1) raise the competence of employees (teacher and administrative staff) through participation in
international trainings about children safety;
2) share the knowledge and best practice among other preschool partner countries (Germany and
Slovenia) achieving to ensure the children safety outdoor.
3) to strengthen children safety guidelines based on outdoor pedagogy and best examples of
partners countries.
Qualitative expected project results:
– exchanged best experiences about children safety in outdoor kindergartens,
– better quality of preschool education based on outdoor learning in safe environment
– greater understanding and responsiveness to social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity,
– increased teachers’ self-confidence in the field of children safety;
– better understanding about different culture education methods in children groups,
– increased accessibility to quality preschool outdoor education,
– strong strategic partnership with partner organizations,
– better English language skills
– more positive attitude towards the European project and the EU values.
Report of learning, teaching, training activities
Media about project: